The question is:
Title: What's the proper course of action in case a scab or crust does form over the wound during post-surgery wound care?
I read in the UCLA Dermatology Post-Operative Wound Care Instructions (mirror):
After 24 hours, you may get your wound wet (i.e. take a shower, etc.). At this point you must start changing your wound dressing 2 times a day:
- a. Carefully remove the old dressing.
- b. To minimize crusting/scabbing over the wound, cleanse the wound with hydrogen peroxide using cotton swabs. Do not allow a scab or crust to form over the wound.
- c. Dry the wound with gauze and apply Aquaphor, Vaseline, or Polysporin ointment using cotton swabs.
- d. Cover with Telfa pads cut to size. If there is any oozing/draining you may also add some gauze cut to size.
- e. Secure the dressing in place with paper tape.
What's the proper course of action in case a scab or crust does form over the wound in order to optimize cosmesis? Remove ASAP or wait till it gets removed by itself?
All the instructions I have read in other post-surgery wound care guides so far only say apply Vaseline or similar ointment to prevent the formation of scab or crust.
I believe this is a quite general question for improving the cosmetic outcome following wound treatment. It doesn't strike me as a personal medical advice but instead is a generic question on a typical treatment.
Why was the question closed by 1 mod as "requesting personal medical advice"?