In the next week or two, we have to evaluate this site and its progress… but this is turning out to be one of the more difficult to figure out. So I'm opening a broad discussion asking you to share your impression of this site thus far, in hopes that something may resonate regarding how useful (or not) this site will be going forward.
- Does this site add anything to the Internet?
- How particularly "insightful" have you found the information? Was it both thorough and well-researched, and subsequently well-vetted?
- Have we established a strong foundation to build a world-class resource for this subject?
I know that's a pretty tall order.
The issue I'm struggling with is that there are some great contributors providing fantastic content to this site. But that "professional-level" advice is also scattered among a lot of popular-culture table talk that "sounds good"… but who knows. The problem comes when we cannot tell the difference; or at least it's not coming across that we can tell the difference on this site.
When we created this site, I didn't really expect the world's doctors and nutritionists to come flooding in on day one. That doesn't really concern me. But when we're purporting to crowd-source an authoritative collection of "health information" on the Internet, that's a pretty bold claim — so we better darn well be able to suss out the difference between an insightful, well-researched answer, from one filled with vagaries, folk wisdom, and general platitudes. I'm not sure we set the bar that high.
I know I'm being a bit hyperbolic; I don't actually find a lot of "wrong" information on this site — but the overall tone of what we are offering is that of a circle of friends sitting around the lunch table sharing stuff they heard somewhere. Yes, we all know "a little" about general health issues, but do we know when to take a step back when we can't really speak all that authoritatively on a subject (especially during these highly-precarious, formative weeks)? I know folks are just trying to help, but we certainly have enough traffic and enthusiasm many times over. What I'm not sure of is if we have the right founding community to equip and establish this particular site. This is something we have to ascertain during the private beta. It's not something we can do "later".
That's my initial impression. What is yours?