I don't understand why https://health.stackexchange.com/q/967/43 got closed while Are artificial sweeteners safe? didn't. Can somebody explain why?
I copy the questions here for convenience:
Are artificial sweeteners safe?
There seems to be a lot of noise about health risks of consuming artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame and saccharin. Many sources argue that these chemicals carry huge risks of developing cancer and neurological problems.
Should I be concerned? Is moderate consumption (say, a few diet sodas a week) of artificial sweeteners considered safe by the currently available research?
Sugar alcohols such as sucralose xylitol, artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, saccharine, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium, and herbs such as stevia, and processed items such as sugar?
It got closed for that reason:
Hi and welcome to the site. Questions should be limited to one per question. You've mentioned four types of sweeteners. To address the risks of all of them would make a good answer far too long. Please consider asking only one question at a time; an edit is also possible; if done as suggested, your question may be reopened.
Shouldn't the same argument close the first question as well?