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10 votes

2018 Community Moderator Election Results

Congratulations! May you enjoy life and art, respected while you serve as a Pro-Tempore Moderator and remembered with affection thereafter. May you always act so as to preserve the finest ...
Narusan's user avatar
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7 votes

How can a user with no medical knowledge participate?

Q How can users with no medical knowledge participate on the site? Those users can do nothing good here, but read along. Well, maybe suggest edits based on spelling errors or formatting? But if ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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7 votes

How can a user with no medical knowledge participate?

Everyone has medical questions they want to ask. A simple example would be: Why do flu vaccines have to change every year? The answer, of course, is easily found on google just by typing that question....
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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5 votes

2022 Community Moderator Election Results

Congratulations to Ian and Bryan! JohnP, I didn't know you were leaving. We'll miss you.
user1271772's user avatar
5 votes

Announcing a Pro Tempore election

Question: is there any chance we could select two or three? Our site has several professionals and student professionals, but none of them have a large amount of time to dedicate.
DoctorWhom's user avatar
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