No! :) On our site, I think it's good to encourage unanswered questions over bad answers! Bad as in no legitimate references or incorrect information. That's why our unanswered questions statistic is so high. Think of it as a treasure mine of questions for health experts! However, I agree that deleting too fast is unfair to the contributor who attempts to make an effort. We should guide posters to craft quality content instead of simply shooting them down.
There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics - Benjamin Disraeli
Remember that people who tend to use stackexchange will probably be VERY different from people who conventionally search for medicines and health information! (As possible indication of this, look at the highest-rated question on Health. Spoiler: It's about computer usage.)
What you don't understand is that the community isn't just for people from other stack-exchanges. It's for EVERYONE, which hasn't reached this site yet. If you look at exponential growth, it always seems surprisingly small at first and inconsequential. That's the beauty of virality.
If you went to 20 U.S. Colleges, and introduced this site to the medical students, within a month, our site would probably explode with traffic but that's not the focus right now- or it shouldn't be. We need to set a precedence. When things take-off, we can't be loose with "looks good" information. Else, it'll set a trend that perpetuates, and moderators may not be able to catch everything. That's where trend comes into play. If most answers on the site are well-supported with facts, others will view this as a standard and continue the good pattern set!
It's ok if people get turned off to contributing or don't like the site. If they left that easily, you can imagine they'd probably fail to put quality-effort into their questions and answers anyways.
Look, Health.SE has areas that it needs work on, like slower deletions. I understand your frustration. Based on your previous questions and attempts to communicate, it's been difficult for you to contribute earnestly, but you've stuck it out, which has helped the site grow. However, bringing your personal feelings into this will make contributing very difficult. Your pre-edited question violated our "Be Nice" policy with your toxic sarcasm towards the community as a whole and your negativity doesn't help.
I am, in contrast to you, extremely encouraged when my posts are deleted, down-voted, and flaws exposed! It's a tremendous help and one can learn so much to improve!
Clearly you've made helpful contributions to the site, the only question that remains is whether you will continue to antagonize moderators, or try to adjust to meet the standards and needs of the community. I sincerely hope the latter.
If we posted lower-quality content, we're ignoring those who might happen to make decisions based on this information.
Do you have any proof that people do that?Mmm dd 'yy