This is more of an appeal than a question really. Namely, when a new user asks an off-topic question it is often close-voted without explanation or comments. To me, it makes sense that the first person to cast a close-vote leaves a comment to explain to the new user why this is done and (perhaps) where they can find some guidelines on asking questions on SE. When the question gets closed it does get stamped with a standard explanation, but leaving an additional comment would have two additional benefits:
- If carefully worded it sounds more friendly and makes the site look less unwelcoming to new users;
- Some questions can be salvaged and an early comment can achieve that more efficiently that five people voting to close and than five people voting to reopen a question.
(Yes, I know that most off-topic questions are rarely edited by the OP who is new. Still, we are a growing community and leaving an early comment would make a good policy, IMO).