A very example for this: Anti-inflammatory painkillers and healing
I don't refute the fact that this is a scientific - based site, and it should encourage professional to answer, and should answer high quality answers.
"To attract experts, you need a site where people are asking very interesting and challenging questions, not the basic questions found on every other Q&A site. Remember, the pro sites WILL attract the enthusiasts, but not the other way around!"1
Is the above question interesting, challenging and not the basic question? I would say yes. Is its answer a pro, high quality answer? Yes too. But it contains so many term. A lot. I love to expand my knowledge, but facing this answer, it just makes me lost. Using a text analyser will illustrate this (the left column is for the question, the right column is the for answer):
pain 7 use 6
ibuprofen 2 cox 5
now 2 nsaids 4
week 2 selective 4
I think if the answer is so hard to understand, it will go against the spirit of answering a question: help the asker shorten the research time.
The best solution I can think of is having another answer. One answer explains the problem in full detail, another one is a simple version of it. This is good too, as in SE we encourage multiple answers for a question. There is a good example for this in Physics SE; I made a simple answer and the OP accepted it2. If a professional doesn't have time to make an easy-to-digest answer, then leaving it for another one is fine. But if they have time, I think they should make a simple one by themself.
TLDR: I think every answerer should be aware of "the curse of knowledge"3.
1 Are professional-to-professional questions within the site scope?
2 How exactly does gravity work?
3 Why Bad Doctors Are Like Bad Writers: The Curse Of Knowledge