As a new user of less than 2 days, here's my honest opinion.
I gave 4 answers, with 2 accepted (50 points), combined with negative ratings of -13 at one point. I quickly learned that answering horrible worded questions will lead to negative votes. The two questions that I got me a combined score of -13, were down voted to oblivion as well.
That being said, I deleted my "bad answers" to "bad questions" and eventually recovered to 45 points. The other -5 points were for not providing "references" and for something I posted? Not really sure because the person who down voted never explained nor responded, just a down vote. Now, here's the problem, new users who do not understand the SE model will be bombarded with negative points. It's bad enough to not have any "privileges" such as editing a question (1000 points) to make it sound better, new users are not able to comment (50 points) and ask the OP to clarify question.
I can understand the importance of using references as to prevent psuedoscience and broscience from infiltrating this place, yet, sometimes this place feels more like the Ivory Tower where bureaucracy and hierarchy is important. Those with more "privileges" have more "rights" and are more "authorized" than others. Now think about this. How can someone recover if they post a bad question and receive negative votes as their first interaction with the site? They won't even be able to answer a question. The point I want to make with references is this. Do we just want references or can this place be a place for some sort of discussion, in the comments section of course (not as an answer).
Is this SE limited to only Medical Doctors, or can researchers, phDs, paramedics, also participate? Can we give personal experience if we are health care professionals? What about personal experience for patients? I think this site can be much better if there is an active participation of both patients, regular folks, as well as health care professionals. Yet, I feel as if the rules of this site is rigid and exclusive. Anyone other than healthcare professionals are unqualified to answer, even those who are healthcare professionals are being down voted.
Here is an example of over zealous down voting, Which medical specialist should be consulted for anus polyp?
I got two down votes for my answer, do we need to provide references for which doctors to consult? I later clarified the answer, as I feel this question can be improved on (obviously as a new user, Im not qualified to improve answers)